Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well, ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome. You, who decide to read this, will have gained an interesting perspective into the many thoughts that comprise my dementia. It's been awhile since I've been on the blog scene, but there are a lot of important things happening right now. The electoral process is well under way, the economy is tanking, and perhaps most importantly, my Boston Celtics are actually a viable playoff team.

Yes, in this year's election we have the rare luxury of fantastic, viable candidates on both sides of the bipartisan line. On the democratic side, we have a woman who could possibly give Nicole Bass a run for her money in this year's manliest woman competition and an African American male with strong financial ties to a deranged member of the clergy. On the republican side, we have a crispy war veteran that may or may not experience a heart attack during or before his inauguration. Unfortunately, I don't think that any of these, albeit very admirable individuals, possess the attributes America needs to avert a roman empire-like fall.

Yeah, the economy sucks, but mass hysteria makes it worse! Keep piling on the credit card debt, middle class America...After all, as a semi-famous British rock band once said, "don't you know it's gonna be alright?". Okay, sarcasm aside, it's true. Faithlessness in the economy makes recessions infinitely worse.

In other, far more important news, the Celtics are up 2-1 in the first round of the playoffs against the abysmal Atlanta Hawks. If they are so atrocious, why then did the C's lose on Saturday? Honestly, I'm not too worried about it. It's clear that the Hawks have to shoot 10/18 from three point land and execute near perfectly to beat this year's number 1 team by a barely convincing 9 points. With this loss aside, and Paul Pierce fired up in response to being taunted by one of the young Hawks, I don't think you will see another game come within Atlanta's reach. Look for a win margin of 15+ points in the remaining 2 games of this series. It is so nice to have something to cheer for again. By and large, Boston fans are loyal despite the shortcomings of their favorite teams. This is why Mike Bibby's comment regarding the Garden being filled with "fairweather fans" was a slap in the face. Well, Michael, at least our team fills its arena...Even when your pathetic ball club makes it to the playoffs, there are plenty of empty seats to be had. Oh well, I digress.

This should be a fun ride...Tune in next time for a less fragmented, more focused post.

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